Jennifer Loves RPGs

Hello! I love RPG Maker games. Ever since I first played OFF in 2016, I've played a lot of RPG Maker games. I hope to someday make my own RPG!

Here's my main Neocities website, Jennifer Loves The Beatles. I talk on there about everything I love, including games, music, films, and TV shows. However, this site will be exclusively for talking about games, particularly RPG Maker games. I might also include visual novels and other types of games.

You might be wondering, what even is RPG Maker? Well, I'd be happy to answer that question! Just click the handy link over there, and all will be revealed.

Here are some things you'll find on my website:

As I'm sure you can tell, this website is very much a work in progress. Thank you for being understanding while I figure out how to do things on here.